Carton of Free Range Organic Valley eggs next to a plate of cooked eggs.

Free to Forage®

The tastiest eggs come from hens raised the right way. That's why we go beyond cage-free and put hens in charge. All Organic Valley hens have the freedom to forage and enjoy plenty of fresh air, sunshine and pasture on family farms. Happier hens means delicious, high-quality eggs for you.
Organic Valley Hens are Free to Forage®
Because “free-range” isn’t regulated and can mean different things across brands, the Organic Valley “Free to Forage” seal is our way of providing clarity to you on what free-range means to us. Free to Forage means “access to fresh air, sunshine and organic pasture that is free from toxic pesticides.” It’s about putting hens in charge of their own needs. They have access to food and water 24/7, and they can go where they want, when they want (weather permitting, of course). Chickens have shown us what they need over the 25 years we’ve raised them, and that’s why we exceed the animal care requirements of the National Organic Standards. When you see the Free to Forage seal on our packages in your local stores, you can rest assured we go above and beyond for hens, and for you.
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What’s the Difference Between White and Brown Eggs?
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brown and white hens on a field.
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What Do Organic Valley Free-Range Hens Eat?
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New Blog Post
What is Free to Forage? It’s What Hens Want.
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Recipes to Try

Crustless Asparagus, Leek & Feta Quiche

Crustless Asparagus, Leek & Feta Quiche

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Divine Eggs

Divine Eggs

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Organic Mama Veggies Frittata

Organic Mama Veggies Frittata

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